We finally made it to the city of Madison, Wisconsin--and in just over a week. To cover that much of the US in so little time is a bit freakish. We had driven over 3500 miles by this point. Yet, once we arrived, it felt as though we had exerted so little effort to get there. Perhaps it's due to the fact that we broke the trip up so much along the way. Or maybe its because the landscape changed so much that we never had a chance to be bored. It was most likely due to the welcome that Robb and Jessie gave us. Their company and hospitality gave us the refreshment we needed.
The night we arrived, Robb and and his wife Jessie welcomed us to the city and took us to see the Dairyland Dolls face off against the Charm City Roller Girls in a flattrack roller derby. If you've never seen one of these before I recommend it. It's really a lot of fun! The next day they took us on a hike up above Devil's lake. Not as hellish as it sounds. It was quite beautiful, actually.

the roller girls

us boys on Lake Monona

Robb and Jessie above Devil's Lake
Huzzah! You are always welcome to come back!
LOVE that you went to the roller girls.
Woot! You kids should come back. I'll bake a pie next time. :D
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