Ryan's camera before he placed it on the roof of the car...
Ryan's camera after getting run over by a semi...
Ok, so we haven't had the best luck with cameras on this trip. My video camera broke on day two and Ryan's camera exploded on day 15. He left it on the roof and we drove off without thinking twice. By the time we got to Mackinac Bridge it we noticed its absence. We tore the car apart to try and find it but to no avail.
Our original ambition had been to see some of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, but we knew we had trace our steps to find his camera. When we returned to the rest area, Red was scraping through the weeds to try and find it. After a half hour of searching we gave up and took off. But as we were coming around the corner toward the onramp to the freeway I started to see parts of the road glisten. Sure enough, tiny pieces of glass and metal were scattered over the asphalt. Even the memory card was sandwiched in half. Unsalvageable.
The worst part is all the pictures we lost. The camera is replaceable, but the photos of my grandma and I aren't. I'm crossing my fingers that my Nikon doesn't have the same luck as its past two counterparts.
holy cow.
what a tragic event. at least you didn't leave a baby or something on top of the car. :)
how does paula feel about this?
That was a nice camera but nothing sucks more than losing pictures...
I feel for you guys. :(
Yeah, and we even lost the pictures that we took with you guys. You know the ones with Mark an I in the red UW apparel? Those were some good pictures. Go Badgers!
no!!!! i had no idea this happened....i am seriously saddened :(
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